The Got Vape Beginner's Guide to Trade Shows

Interested in better deals for your Smoke Shop? Learning a thing or two about the industry?
Look no further than the lavish displays of marketing that are Trade Shows!
Much like a peacock puffing up its feathers to attract a mate, these events put the show in show boat, by allowing businesses to come together in one central location for an all out feeding frenzy of networking.
So what are these crazy events? Are they worth my time? And how can I maximize the effectiveness of attending one?
Find out the answers to all these questions and more, in this Got Vape Wholesale Business Guide! Or if you are in a rush, use the table of contents to skip to the information you need!
Table of Contents:
What’s The Difference between B2B and B2C Trade Shows?
Are Trade Shows Good For My Smoke Shop?
How Do I Prepare Myself For a Trade Show?
Choose Your Trade Show
Navigating the Convention Floor
Searching For Better Deals
Play Hard Ball
Jump On What's New
Let's Get this Trade Show on the Road
What’s The Difference between B2B and B2C Trade Shows?
B2B is an abbreviation for “business to business”, thus the reason why these events are called business to business trade shows trade shows i.e. B2B.
A “B2B” interaction is that between wholesalers and shop owners like yourselves and Got Vape.
“B2C” or business to consumer interactions, would be when you make sales in your shop.
Business to Business trade shows are convention events held around the globe where customers are absent and various sellers of goods can come together and mingle.
Think of it as an adult swim for those working behind the curtain of business, a time when you can rub shoulders with enterprises both in your sector and from others.

Are Trade Shows Good For My Smoke Shop?
Yes. There is a lot that you can get from attending even just one trade show. The chances to network with those also eager to grow, advance, and learn from each other, can be invaluable in making the next steps to leveling up your business.
Not only that, when you go to a Trade Show as a Smoke Shop owner, YOU, are the person they are looking for. All of these businesses and their extravagant displays are all there to get you an actual merchant to come buy from them, that means you are in the position of power.
If one distributor isn’t singing your tune, then just move on to the next one and see if you can get a better deal. There’s a lot of fish in the sea, so take your time scoping them out.
How Do I Prepare Myself For a Trade Show?
To actually plan your trade show excursion you are going to need to first choose your show, plan your travel, arrange accommodations, and have everything you need to mingle with other businesses for the next 2-3 days.
In addition to these essentials, we also recommend that you make sure your mind, body, and spirit are prepared for the high intensity environment of the trade shows.
Get ready to meet more people than you have in years put together, have opportunities flying by your face, and just a complete overwhelming of the senses.
With this reality, it’s okay to feel intimidated or completely out of your league. That’s what the fancy booths and bundles of cash they cost are meant to do, it's supposed to wow you to override your initial defenses.
So just know that every business at the show started from 0 just like yourself and that they themselves are some of the most nervous people at the show underneath all that glitz and glam because they have invested so much into it going well.

Choose Your Trade Show
First amongst your tasks is to decide which trade show you are going to check out. This decision should be based on a host of factors including your proximity to the event, how big it is, and what specific vendors traditionally show up to it.
Some trade shows take place multiple times throughout the year and in different locations, like Champs for example has events in Las Vegas, Chicago, and Denver just to name a few.
- Champs - One of the best, if not the best B2B trade shows around, is held several times throughout the year in Las Vegas, Atlantic City, Chicago, and Colorado.
- ASD Market Week - Standing for Asian Sourcing Direct, this premiere convention is held twice a year in Las Vegas and brings people together from all over the globe to collaborate on building business connections.
- Alternative Products Expo - Located in Atlanta, Chile, Miami, and Medellin, this show bills themselves as a counterculture expo with massive congregations of vape, smoke, and head shops attending!
- Spannabis - This Spain based show is basically a cannabis extravaganza where both people and businesses fly in from all over the globe to have one massive meetup, this is a great way to make connections across the globe for some outside the box profits.
Our run away favorite out of these is absolutely Champs. It's a phenomenal place to get distributors and everyone else in the same place.
In addition to big name shows, you can also try to capitalize on other gatherings of people such as local music festivals or farmers markets. These act as mini convention spaces where you still get the bonus of a large concentration of eager people ready to talk.
Navigating the Convention Floor
As a general rule, we say make sure you put on a happy face and project a positive vibe as you walk around the convention to take in the sights. There’s no point walking around with a bad attitude, so make sure you and your employees are on the best of behaviors while attending!
Remember that going to a Trade Show is all about winning the war, not the battle. This means don’t expect for things to come in at a lightning fast pace, you are laying the groundwork for your future success so take your time.

Searching For Better Deals
Lets get real; the main reason you are going to these shows is NOT to make new friends and have fun in an exotic location.
No, you are spending you hard earned capitol to play the field and get better deals for your Shop! With so many distributors and manufacturers in one place, there is no better time to find better deals from people that are more eager to get your business.
Make sure you show up with a list of what you currently pay for your products and then go whole hog comparing them with the new vendors you meet.
As a local Smoke Shop, its hard to find new distributers when you have to spend all day running the store. That's why this is the time for you to get out and find different distributers for your shop that will save you money.
Play Hard Ball
The main thing you want to do while sussing out deals at a trade show is to get an idea early on of what the general rates are and then work off of those to see which distributer you can knock down to the lowest price.
As it's your Shop, you have time on your side. So wait throughout the day as you talk to distributers to see if their tune softens as time progresses.
Remember that these businesses have invested even more into these events than you, and if they have had a day of 0 sales; there's a good chance they are going to more eager to give you a break at 4pm instead of 8am.
If someone is giving you a price you don't like - just walk away. That's part of the game and even if the Sales Person your talking to thinks its rude, who cares. It's a dog eat dog world out there and if you aren't ready to put social cues to the side, then you are not ready to find the best deal.
Jump On What's New
Another great idea to have in your head while wandering the floor is "What products are new?" and "What products look like they could catch on?".
Having these at the forefront of your thoughts is a must, as getting the head start on competitors with something brand new can be the difference between you getting that huge pay day or not.
If you see a device that fits your vibe and you think has the potential to blow up. Then you get in on that with the best deal possible, but always go with your instincts and if the deal looks too good to be true; it is.
There is as much junk if not more than there is quality products coming to the market, that's why we recommend sussing out for youself at these trade shows.
A lot of the time just holding the product in your hand will be enough to set your BS detectors off, so don't be afraid to ask to see samples.
Let's Get this Trade Show on the Road
So now it’s time to start planning your next Trade Show! Follow our guide and begin charting your own future by taking the bull by the horns and putting yourself out there!
For more industry examination, product guides, and sales commentary make sure to check out the rest of our postings right here on the official Got Vape Wholesale Blog.
Dive into our postings to see articles ranging from a guide to selling legal mushroom gummies, all the way to boosting your profits with feng shui interior design!
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