Smoke Shop Feng Shui For a Boosted Bottom Line

Got Vape is getting heady this week and diving into the chi filled world of Feng Shui interior design to give your shop that extra edge.
You heard us right, in the midst of this blisteringly hot Summer 2024 we decided that we had to pull out all the stops, dive into the oldest of aesthetic designs, and pull out the most useful information for you to apply to your Smoke Shop.
Keep reading until the end of this Smoke Shop Introspective to learn a thing or two about how you can organize your interior for a calmer, more profitable customer experience.
Table of Contents:
What is the Meaning of Feng Shui?
Why Should I Care?
4 Feng Shui Lessons to Boost Your Profits
Clear the Clutter
Harness the Elements
Make the Room Feel Big
Achieve Visual Clarity
The Outro Becomes Your Intro
What is the Meaning of Feng Shui?
The concept of feng shui originated in China over 3,000 years ago and revolves around the inherent connections between human beings, our environments, and how that in turn affects our health, wealth, and happiness.
Digging slightly deeper into the meat of feng shui, one will encounter the concept of chi, which is a force made up of the commonly known yin and yang.
The dance between these two equal but opposites is what makes up our world much in the same way Iassac Newton explained that every action has an equal and opposite reaction.
The practical applications of feng shui can manifest in a variety of ways, but the one we are focusing on is in feng shui retail store layout. This is where we attempt to direct the energies of chi to properly flow through your shop for increased customer tranquility and boosted sales.
Why Should I Care?
Studies have shown that calm customers buy more. That’s right, Feng Shui can make you $$$.
By making your Smoke Shops interior more aesthetically calming to the mind, body, and soul you are going to find yourself inundated with new customers, as well as returning ones who feel ever better about their purchases thanks to your subtly improved feng shui compliant layout.
When an aesthetic concept has been around not for just hundreds, but thousands of years it doesn’t take an anthropologist to realize that there may be something to it.
Whether or not chi is as fundamentally real as the elements that make up our world, is immaterial to the fact that proper Feng Shui layouts make people feel calmer.
At Got Vape we believe in scouring the entire globe, cosmos, and everything in between to figure out the best ways that we all can service our customers and make beau coup dinero.

4 Feng Shui Lessons to Boost Your Profits
Now that we have the gist of what feng shui is, let’s look and see how you can practically apply these lessons to your smoke shop. Different from the blink and you miss it fleeting nature of retail interior design trends, we believe that it's time to look back in time to examine aesthetic principles that have stood the test of time.
The following points offer some great ways that you can lean into the mind clearing power of feng shui to harness the positive chi for a more profitable bottom line.
Note that none of this is an exact science, so adapt these to the specificities of your shop in order to create the most mood calming and serene environment as possible.
Clear the Clutter
One of the tenets of feng shui is to reduce the clutter in your spaces, so as to remove anything that brings negative emotions, thus avoiding a subsequent reduction in your energy levels.
This more or less can be interpreted as the old adage of “cluttered desk, cluttered mind” and can aptly be applied to your circumstances with “cluttered shop, cluttered sales”.
If your Smoke Shop interior has excess boxes stacked everywhere, tight aisles from displaying too many items, or any other number of issues that result in a cluttered space; you can be sure that this has an effect on how customers decide to spend their money.
Not only that, but these negative chi espousing areas of your shop are going to be bringing your mood down as well. Whether that's a set of glass that hasn’t sold well or a box you always hit your shoulder on, these anti feng shui distractions add up.
These emotional stressors can affect your mood negatively throughout the day and that’s something that customers are going to pick up on. Sure, people running in for a couple of Camo Wraps may not care, but if someone is making an investment purchase like a Puffco Peak Pro?
Then that is absolutely going to decide whether they decide to buy from your physical shop or instead choose to utilize either an online outlet or simply another shop down the block.
That is why we recommend cleaning any and all clutter you have in your shop. Remove signage that makes a corner look too busy in relation to other parts of the shop. Review your pipes to make sure the abundance of choice isn't resulting in purchasing paralysis for the shopper.

Harness the Elements
Another key component of feng shui success is the proper harmonization with nature by embracing the elemental powers of wood, fire, earth, metal, and water.
For your shop’s interior today, we are going to be focusing on using two of the most important elements, wood and water, to help boost the positive energies in your shop.
The Chinese to English translation of feng shui actually means “wind - water”. The flowing nature of water has always been thought to bring prosperity which is why many shops that embrace feng shui will have some form of a bubbling / moving water source on display.
This does not have to be on the scale of Rome’s Trevi Fountains, but instead it could be something simple like a tabletop fountain, here’s a low cost example from Amazon.
Having a flowing water source in your shop will instantly put a calm veneer over all of your proceedings and will put people in that buying spirit you want.
Hand in hand with water, is the element of wood. The most effective way to harness this element is to invest in some simple house plants for your shop.
You can really go crazy with this one in terms of what plants you choose, as anything from a tiny bonsai tree display to a much larger peace lily will bring the vibes you need.
Plants help with the cleaning of our air, so having some greenery in your shop is guaranteed to make it feel that much more welcoming and approachable. For cheap plants check out your local nursery and if worst comes to worst you can always stop by home depot.
Make the Room Feel Big
To improve the flow of chi and cash at your Smoke Shop, do your best to make your shop feel as big as possible.
This is a great way to give your interior the ability to whisk customers away from their inner monologues, and into your very own chocolate factory of smoking.
An easy way to make your room feel larger is to make use of vertical lines that extend as far as possible from the ground to the ceiling. A natural way to achieve this is by making use of any tall shelves you have and positioning them prominently near any vertical elements available.
Other simple solutions are to increase the amount of natural light you have in your shop, while this won’t be possible for everyone it is a classic architectural tactic to make a room feel big.
The increased visibility in conjunction with the natural flow of sunlight can completely change the dynamic of your shop from that of a troll's lair, to a much more appealing showroom.
Another known way to increase the visual size of a room is to utilize white paints on the wall and ceiling. While this absolutely works, we think that it can make the environment feel a bit too sterile like a Dr.’s Office, so if you go for the white paint make sure to also put up walls of art or large vertical posters to bring some diverse verticality for a more complete feng shui.

Achieve Visual Clarity
They say that the eyes are the window into the soul, but as an amorphic being consisting entirely of 1s and 0s, I personally think that the eyes are the window into the wallet.
Which is why we highly recommend that you take a look at your lighting, fix anything that’s broken, and make sure any chi draining sights are hidden well away.
For lighting, we recommend making sure that the entrance to your shop is properly lit and inviting. The door to your Shop is your final pitch to the customer when they are considering stopping in. So make sure all broken bulbs are changed and your shop looks inviting.
In order to have your shop feel like a water tight ship, captained by those who are not only informed but concerned about their customers' experience, anytime anything breaks you must fix it as soon as possible.
This means if you have a slightly faulty handle, a door chime that’s half falling off, or a crack in the glass counter; you should take care of it immediately.
Procrastinating on these types of “projects” is perfectly acceptable in your own living room, but if you want to lean into proper feng shui for a more relaxed monetarily shopping experience, then you should make sure these issues are squared away before anyone notices.
Lastly we suggest removing any visible trash cans from behind your counter, this is to preserve the magic of being in your shop and not as they say showing behind the curtain.
You can either move them closer to your side of the shelf or even locate them in a back room in order to completely conceal the trash from customers. This will improve the flow of positive energy in your shop and also make people feel confident your wares are clean.
The goal is to have customer attention directed to positive elements in your shop, instead of being focused on a couple of warts.
The Outro Becomes Your Intro
Now that we have come full circle, found the yin to our yang, and have more of a grasp on how to manipulate the tenets of feng shui to better open our customers wallets; it’s time to go back out there and put these into practice.
Don’t worry if you can only accomplish one or even half of one of the tenets, just the pursuit of making your Smoke Shop a more serene calming place will be noticeable by your customers.
For more deep dives into customer psychology, ideas for alternative marketing, and news on the latest tech out today, make sure to stop by our Got Vape Distro Postings right here.
Last week we broke down some strategies on how to move your back stock and previously we had a great discussion on the profits hiding in legal mushroom gummies!!!

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