Wholesale Lighters & Torches
Light your customers fire, by kitting your inventory out with our collection of all the best Wholesale Lighters & Torches. We have all of the fieriest brands available including Thicket, RAW, Yocan, and more, to provide your business with the best possible choices available.
Wholesale Lighters & Torches
Fire up higher profits and a boosted bottom line, by taking advantage of our Wholesale Lighters & Torches collection. Kit your inventory out with reliable, safe, and top selling Lighter & Torch options to ensure your customers are never stuck without a light. Lighters are always in demand thanks to their ubiquity amongst households across the world. Torches on the other hand are devices tailor made to provide the high temperatures required for dabbing concentrates. We recommend having a variety of both options, which is why Got Vape Wholesale is happy to share with you our following collection of Wholesale Lighters & Torches.
Take a look below to see all of the exclusive perks that you gain by sourcing your Wholesale Lighters & Torches from us at Got Vape Wholesale:
- Trusted Brands: All of our Wholesale Lighters & Torches are personally vetted by our team to ensure the highest quality and reliability, we only carry the top brands to make your job of stocking the best easy.
- Competitive Bulk Pricing: Never pay full price thanks to our variety of running bulk price deals and save big on all of your Wholesale Lighters & Torches orders.
- Extensive Inventory: With a wide variety of different Wholesale Lighters & Torches in stock, we are able to cater to all customer niches.
- Fast and Secure Shipping: Get your Wholesale Lighters & Torches orders quickly and safely thanks to our team of excellent Shipping Professionals working round the clock to get your business what it needs.
- Reliable Customer Support: To keep you informed and answer any questions about our line of Wholesale Lighters & Torches, give our knowledgeable Customer Service teams call with all of your questions!
Got Vape Wholesale is here to help your business grow, so please take advantage of our industry low prices and consistent quality to stock up on all the best selling Wholesale Lighters & Torches.
Wholesale Lighters & Torches FAQs
Lighters are small devices that are able to produce a small flame on demand. Running off of butane, lighters are a ubiquitous element of smoke shops and are used by customers for everything from lighting birthday candles, to sparkling up blunt wraps.
Torches are hand held devices that are able to produce large, intense, and incredibly hot flames. For materials such as concentrates that require the highest of temperatures, there is no substitute when it comes to a Torch.
Lighters work by releasing a stream of butane and then subsequently lightning it. From here customers can continue the flow of butane or release their thumb to taper off the fuel. Some lighters work by using a sparking wheel or some other ignition type to light the initial flame.
Torches work very similarly to lighters, except that when they release their butane and apply a spark, the resulting flame burns at a much higher temperature. This is thanks to Torches using a highly condensed form of Butane that comes in a can, as opposed to a liquid. Thanks to the chemistry at work, this allows Torches to instantly burn much hotter than a lighter ever could.
Torches are used for both the enjoyment of concentrate dabbing, cigar smoking, and nectar collecting, due to the required high temperatures to properly enjoy these respective materials. Thus Torches are specifically made to cater to these experiences and therefore offer straight forward, effective, and reliable solutions to all of your customers' heating needs.
Torches are safe thanks to the variety of locks, muzzles, and stands that they ship with. While the high temperatures of a Torch flame require customers to act with caution, these devices are incredibly safe overall and offer reliable heating means to all.
Most Lighters & Torches use two different types of butane as their fuel. Most Lighters will make use of a liquid butane fuel, whereas Torches require a highly condensed pressurized version to properly reach the higher temperatures needed for dabbing.
These are relatively cheap and widely accessible materials that we encourage you to stock in your shops. Many lighters and all torches feature refillable bottom ports to make repeated use easy and effective.
Lighters and Torches provide the literal and proverbial spark, to your customers smoking and vaporizing enjoyment. Without these highly controllable sources of fire, shoppers will be unable to enjoy any of their favorite materials. That’s why having Lighters & Torches in stock at all times is an absolute must, there're absolutely essential items to have on your shelves.
With an extensive selection of top performing Wholesale Lighters and Torches in stock at all times, Got Vape Wholesale is here to provide for all your distribution needs. Take advantage of our industry low prices and save big with our variety of bulk deals to save big and stock up with the best Lighters and Torches available today.
If you are looking to instantly save and stock higher quality Lighters and Torches in your smoke shop, then Got Vape Wholesale is the partner you need. Help your business gain an advantage on the competition by making use of our incredible inventory, competitive price points, and swift shipping to keep your inventory stocked up on the best.
No. There are absolutely zero Wholesale Lighters and Torches purchase order minimums in place at Got Vape Wholesale. We want you to have the flexibility needed to perfectly craft your inventory and ensure you always have the right Lighters and Torches, for the right customer.
Begin purchasing Wholesale Lighters and Torches with us by following the steps below to create your Got Vape Wholesale Account, view our collection, and load up your inventory.
- Create Your Account: Click here to register with Got Vape Wholesale and apply for an account to view all of our competitive Lighters and Torches price points.
- Explore Our Lighters & Torches Collection: If approved, you will have access to all of our various Lighters and Torches and be able to speak with your very own personalized Sales Representative.
- Checking Out: After you’ve selected all the Lighters and Torches you need, finish up by checking out and sit back as we take care of the rest.
Interested in working with Got Vape Wholesale to source your Wholesale Lighters and Torches? Give us a call at 888 827-3101 anytime Monday - Friday from 9AM - 6PM PST to learn more.
Yes. Got Vape Wholesale will ship all of our Wholesale Lighters and Torches internationally. We are able to ship across all regions and countries, so if you’re interested please reach out to your Sales Rep and they can give you the details.
Depending on your exact location and the order quantity, fees and shipping durations will vary on all international orders. Got Vape Wholesale appreciates all of our international partners and is here to help your business grow no matter where you’re based out of.
Yes. To help you stay on top of your Wholesale Lighters and Torches order, as soon as your shipments leaves our warehouse you will receive a tracking #. This will provide you with precise geo-location at all times and give you the updates needed to keep on eye on your Lighters and Torches every step of the way.
Yes. We have a generous Lighters and Torches return policy in place to give you 100% confidence in all of your orders. At Got Vape Wholesale we weren't just your distributor, but also your partner - which is why we will provide returns, replacements, reimbursement, and store credit options on every one of our Wholesale Lighters and Torches. To do so, reach out to your Sales Representative and they will be able to guide you through the process
All Wholesale Lighters and Torches orders will be processed within 24 - 48 hours of you first entering them with us. From there Got Vape Wholesale will safely and quickly package up your order and get it shipped out to your business as soon as possible. Should you need things quicker, we have expedited shipping options to speed the process - reach out to your Sales Representative to get a quote. No matter what you need, we’ll help you get it in time.
Yes. To demonstrate how serious we are about providing you with the best possible experience, we will accept changes or cancellations on all of your Wholesale Lighters and Torches orders. If you need to make use of this, login to your Wholesale Account and make use of the corresponding option. From here your Sales Representative will be in contact to review the changes, get them enacted, and ensure you are 100% satisfied