Got Vape Wholesale Concentrate Vaporizers Collection

Wholesale Concentrate Vaporizers

108 products
108 products


Thrill your customers and watch your profits climb at the same time by checking out our collection of Wholesale Concentrate Vaporizers. To make stocking up on the best easy, Got Vape Wholesale has curated the following assembly of cutting edge Cartridge Vaporizers including all of the best Wax Pens and E-Nails available today.

Wholesale Concentrate Vaporizers

Turn Up The Potency and Profits with Concentrate Vaporizers

Build your inventory of Wholesale Concentrate Vaporizers with the help of our specially curated collection of the top selling brands including Wulf Mods, Exxus Vape, Puffco, and more below. With over 20 years in the vaporizing business, we’ve seen Concentrate Vaporizers grow from their humble origins to the power house they are today. It’s with this insight that we’ve been able to create a selection of Wholesale Concentrate vaporizers that consists of only the best, top selling devices.

Below we’ve broken down a couple reasons why we know Got Vape Wholesale is the perfect partner for all of your Wholesale Concentrate Vaporizer purchases:

  • Time Tested: At Got Vape Wholesale we aren’t just a flash in the pan, we’ve been distributing wholesale for over 20 years and have seen the industry grow from the ground up. 
  • Trusted Brands: Having been around the block, we’ve sifted through Concentrate Vaporizers the world over to provide you with unparalleled quality. 
  • Competitive Bulk Pricing: We have the Wholesale Concentrate Vape bulk pricing deals you need to beat out the competition and save a fortune over time. 
  • Reliable Customer Support: M - F from 9AM - 6PM we have real human Customer Service reps with extensive knowledge of all our products to answer your questions right as they pop up. 
  • Extensive Inventory: Our massive So Cal warehouse has all of the most sought after Concentrate Vaporizers in stock ready to ship right now. 
  • Fast and Secure Shipping: To ensure you get your products while they're hot, we have an exceptional team of Shipping Professionals who know exactly how to get you your Concentrate Vaporizer orders quickly and safely.

Wholesale Concentrate Vaporizers FAQs

Yes, but only with dedicated Concentrate Vaporizers that have been specifically designed to handle these sticky materials. Due to the high temperatures required to properly vaporizer concentrate, the vape must have a compatible chamber, atomizer, and battery. That’s why we’ve put together this collection of all our stellar Concentrate Vaporizers to give you a direct catalog of our fully concentrated compatible devices.

Concentrate Vaporizers allow customers to enjoy their concentrate materials via an all in one system as opposed to traditional torch dabbing that requires several different components. By allowing for concentrates to be enjoyed with just the press of a button, Concentrate Vaporizers have revolutionized what is possible with dabbing and ignited a fire storm of customer interest.

Concentrate Vaporizers work utilizing battery power to heat customers concentrated materials to the point of vaporization. Typically Concentrate Vapes will have an atomizer or heating chamber where customers place their concentrates designed to withstand the high temperatures, as well as be easily cleaned afterwards. Common materials for these chambers include quartz, glass, and mesh.

The “concentrate” used for vaping is made out of a wide variety of different materials but typically revolves around refined plant materials. Concentrate is typically very sticky and hard to deal with, hence why customers need specific Concentrate Vapes to enjoy them.

When it comes to vaping concentrates, we recommend telling your customers to start off small and wait to see how their experience affects them, before continuing to vape more. Some customers will require multiple hits, while others will only need a sip depending on the individual's experience with vaping and what exactly the concentrate materials are made from.

Yes. Wax is a type of Concentrate and you will often hear the words used in similar contexts. Just know that much like squares and rectangles, not all concentrates are waxes, but all waxes are concentrates. Concentrate is therefore the umbrella category that houses the rest of these compatible materials, thus why we refer to these devices as Concentrate Vaporizers.

Online at Got Vape Wholesale of course. We have a wide variety of different Concentrate Vaporizers that cater to every niche currently in the market and have the stock to supply you with however many you need immediately.

To use the Wulf Orbit Concentrate Vaporizer, the customer will have to first remove the glass mouthpiece from the top of the device. Following that they can load their concentrate materials into the now exposed chamber before replacing the glass mouthpiece. Now your customers Wulf Orbit Concentrate Vaporizer is ready to be used and they can get to properly enjoying their session.

Concentrate Vape Coils can be easily cleaned with a combination of swabs and isopropyl alcohol. At Got Vape Wholesale we have several options to assist your customers with this including our Wulf Mods Dab Swab 300pk, Wulf Mods Wipes 100pk 12pk, and more all located in our Cleaning Collection.

The best Concentrate Vaporizer is going to be majorly dependent on the customers wants and price range. As Concentrates are a premium material, we have an extensive selection of vaporizers that range from entry level pick ups, all the way to top shelf stunners.

For two simple reasons - you will save money and get higher quality Concentrate Vaporizers. We have the ability to give you wholesale deals that decrease your investment costs, all the while letting you put better vapes on your shelf for increased profits.

Concentrate Vaporizers offer your business an immense amount of value and represent a potent lane of experiences that will have customers raving. This is why you need them on your shelves:

  • All In One Dabbing: Dabbing traditionally requires many components and can be daunting to customers - with Concentrate Vaporizers the entire experience is condensed to a single easy to use piece making them massively appealing to shoppers who want to vape concentrate without the hassle.
  • High Consumer Demand: Concentrate Vaporizers are one of the top selling models of vapes thanks to them providing a uniquely powerful experience. 
  • A Large Customer Base: Customers of all types are drawn to the potency of Concentrate Vaporizers and their ability to take wax on the go. 
  • A Popular Smoking Alternative: Many shoppers utilize Concentrate Vaporizers to switch off of traditional smoking, having them in stock helps them out with quality options they can depend on.

No. To guarantee that your smoke shop has the products required to satisfy your customers, we are ready to ship anything no matter how small or large the order may be. Whether you need one last item to complete a collection or just have to fulfill a special order - we have the ability to ship you products with absolutely zero order minimums in place.

To start ordering with us at Got Vape Wholesale, first create a Wholesale Account by clicking here and following the steps below:

  • Create Your Account: Enter your business information into our portal and create your account. Once submitted, our Sales Reps will review and get back to you with confirmation. 
  • Explore Our Vaporizer Collection: Now that you're into our system, you are going to be able to access all of our exclusive Wholesale Concentrate Vaporizer pricing and plan your purchase. 
  • Checking Out: With everything in your cart simply check out and sit tight as we get you processed and hooked up with a tracking number. 

To ensure that you have all of the most popular methods of concentrate vaping, we are always updating our collections to reflect emerging trends and cater to customer preferences.

  • Wax Pens: These Portable smaller scale Concentrate Vaporizers are a great option to have for those who want the incredibly potent power of their concentrates while on the go. 
  • eNails: E-Nails or E-Rigs are the larger versions of Concentrate Vaporizers and include additional features such as water filtration, longer sessions, and desktop functionality.

Yes. Got Vape Wholesale is able to ship Concentrate Vaporizers Internationally, although shipping times and prices will vary depending on your location / the size of the order. To work out specifics please reach out to your Sales Rep and they will give you a full run down on international shipping to your country.

Yes. Once your Wholesale Concentrate Vaporizer order is processed and out the door on our end, you will get an email with a tracking # so that you can follow it every step of the way.

After your Wholesale Concentrate Vaporizer is placed you will have the full support of both your Sales Rep and our Customer Service Team in order to answer any questions or concerns you may have along the way.

Yes, we offer an all encompassing return policy that offers you the ability to return, replace, or receive credit for your Concentrate Vaporizer orders. Please reach out to your Sales Rep to discuss any returns and they will happily provide you with a solution.

Your Concentrate Vaporizer order will be processed within 24 - 48 hours after it has first been placed. When your order is ready to go, you will receive a tracking number from us in your email. For any time crunch orders, we offer expedited shipping to ensure you always have the ability to get the products you need onto the shelves.

Yes. To keep you one step ahead of the competition, we have a vast amount of discounts and wholesale deals available on our Concentrate Vaporizers for you to take advantage of. With seasonal specials as well as deals that run all year, talk to your Sales Rep to get some more info on the available sales.

Yes. To make alterations to your Wholesale Concentrate Vaporizer order login into your account and make use of the cancelation option within. Once requested, your Sales Rep will be in contact with you ASAP to confirm and conclude the matter.

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